Saturday, July 4, 2009

Interlude -- a Few Words About RPG

For those who are interested, I thought that I would take a brief pause in the story in order to mention the "Role-playing" rules that I'm using.

"Bluvardy" is what I'm calling my variant of the old "Red Book / Blue Book" Dungeons & Dragons rules. To learn more about the changes I've made, take a look here:

And start with the oldest post "What's a Bluvardy", then work your way forward.

-- Jeff


  1. Please note that some nights (like tonight) I'm too zonked on the pain-killers for my kidney stones to coherently figure out a real scene. I'm sorry. I'll try to get something up this weekend (pain permitting).

    -- Jeff

  2. Just read your Bluvardy work and was fascinated. I'm new to role-playing and learn something everyday thanks to folks like you. LOVED the "Spell Verse" concept. Is it original (in terms of a gaming mechanic)? Please DO incorporate it into the current adventures!

  3. JF,

    Yes, as far as I know the use of "live verse" in the game is mine. I've never heard or known anyone else to require it . . . but that being said, I'm sure that there are others who do something similar.

    My whole desire was to get more "role-playing" as opposed to the "dice-rolling" that so many games have devolved to.

    And, yes, I intend to use it in the narrative . . . but there certainly hasn't been any need for it yet.

    -- Jeff
